Looking for a CLEAN/STRONG Oathkeeper

Possible items I can offer:

LVL 80 Swift Oathkeeper
LVL 60 Sturdy Wall of Jericho
Full Clean Minotaur Set
Nimble Sunken Chestplate
300 Bait

I’m willing to look at any offer, but it’s not likely that I’ll accept.

I don’t have the Vastira nor the Sunken set anymore. Yes, the Oathkeeper is level 80. The pictures aren’t updated.



Gonna bump this post up

1400 crowns + mino boots for vastira

Nty, I’m not looking for crowns or minotaur armor.

i got clean wall of jericho

What would you like for it?

No… gehgberthy.jrt

Second bump

Third bump

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