Looking for a non-toxic EU clan that trains pvp a lot

pretty much the title. i’ve always played AA and AO but always sucked at pvp, so i wanna join an active clan that trains its members in pvp a lot, from beginner to pro. by training i mean genuine training, like telling me what i did wrong when we’re fighting, what i’m weak at, how can i improve, from absolute beginner to pro.

it should be mainly EU, since NA timings won’t work for me.

the clan environment should be non-toxic as much as possible. ik there are bad people in every clan, but if the leaders of the clan themselves are toxic then nty, and you can identify these clans really quickly.

i’m a glass warlock, i’m not changing the build, i like it, i just wanna get better at using it to fight other players. hopefully as you help me improve i might even be very useful to you in clan wars in the future (as you see vetex is adding clan building and claiming and it’s really cool)

hm, this isnt mostly a pvp clan but there are some very good pvpers, 2 of them used to be in the LB, its pretty chill and u could pvp with people there, the name is conlegium, idk if i can send the invite link here but let me know if u want it

Wait theres eu players???

I cant help you with a clan, but a pvp tip: I think your build should have some decent power to it, like about 100, maybe more. Ivd never used glass, but using its pros to their full extent is what gives you a good build(imo, talk to a pvp “pro” for advice that actually might work good)

Yes, I know one on the forum

sure, i’ll message you

i do have over 100 power and can deal a lot of damage, issue is i can’t use the build properly

this is so neptune core (join neptune)

i was g;oing to say neptune but luckily i remembered what they did on July 3rd in 2019

we dont talk about neptune on july 3rd 2019 :shushing_face:

what happened with neptune on july 3rd 2019

you don’t wanna know what happened to neptune on july 3rd 2019…

I won’t ask anymore about what happened to neptune on july 3rd 2019

theres a scary tale that if you find out what happened you’ll be cursed with skill issue

Ok bro who was talking about july 3rd 2019


That was a very bad day

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my idiotic self read the title as “Looking for non-EU toxic clans”