Looking for any enchant (that isnt hard) or pure **sunken sword**

for you maybe

who says itll be the best in pvp? you gotta wait for release to know
not many items/enchants have their values increase/decrease depending on what will happen in ao. the only item i can debatebly say does that are hard ss’s, because of hard becoming bursting. but, i say debatebly because in reality, its value has not changed

testers, if it needed nerfed i feel like vetex would’ve nerfed it by now

im still going to stick to my guns and say wait for release

i guess

no matter what, never underestimate the power of sheer dumbassery making a new meta, I bet strong ss will be at one point meta

Strong ss is currently meta :face_with_raised_eyebrow: , u mean bursting?

Huh? No lol, strong is just the most desired

no rn strong is meta, it inflicts bleed more often than swift
will most likely change in ao

Strong isnt meta because most importantly nobody uses sunken swords
But even if you do use a ss, strong makes barely any difference. 8 dmg does nothing

All weapon enchants in wom are kinda shit but since everybody is going speedy builds in ao then swift is probably better

like i said, it inflicts bleed more than swift which makes it the best weapon for magic bleed synergies

Its just cosmetic lol


Extremely rare sighting of a forumer ending the argument after realizing they agree with the other person

Barely anyone uses sunken swords and the few people who do are 99% of the time weapon mains who will already be able to inflict bleed with swift sunken swords. Since that 8 dmg doesnt do anything useful whilst swift does (for weapon mains who make up 99% of ss users) that makes swift meta, not strong

Strong is more valuable because lets be honest you barely ever if at all see people looking for a swift ss

no it doesn’t
it reduces stamina but even strong’s stamina instantly regens while you’re in the air

Yes it does :skull:
I used to be a weapon main and running out of stamina happens a good amount. Sometimes you regen all of your stamina midair and other times you lose all of it. A decrease in stamina cost and a decrease in cast time is way more valuable than 8 (:skull:) dmg

If you were talking about oaths or vasts you would be completely correct but rising tide doesnt keep you in the air for nearly as long as raging storm or mighty crash

doesnt happen in swift yet

disable sprint before using it

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