Looking For Anything Sunken

Doesn’t matter enchants and level. Offering any boss drops of your choice, also have 2 Swift Sunken Sword (For good deal) and swift sunken leggings.
Screenshot (240)
Also have Halloweens and 4th of July items
Screenshot (241)
Screenshot (242)

If you want to liquidate your sunkens, a huge amount of crowns can also do. If interested DM DaProdigyPlayz#4475 or reply below. If you think this is a bad idea please reply below so I don’t waste your time. :slight_smile:

i dont know how this works but maybe i can buy them what price ?

swift sunken leggings for swift sunken leggings


what level it is?

What’ll you give for armor?

what armor?

Clean pants and chest, hard and bursting helmet is what i have

what are you interested in?

Swift swords only tbh

for all that?

I was looking for more of an offer

make an offer

I was already on the fence, I’ll just pass then. Thanks for letting me offer though.

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