Looking for clean oath

I don’t own any sunken gear but I have these:
Lvl 80 Swift Vastira
Lvl 80 Swift Oathkeeper
lvl 80 Hard Oathkeeper
lvl 60 Clean Minotaur Boots x2
lvl 80 Clean Exiled Helmet
Lvl 80 Forceful Minotaur’s Helmet
lvl 80 Nimble Minotaur’s Armor
lvl 50 Forceful Minotaur’s Boots
lvl 80 Hard Minotaur’s Boots
lvl 50 Strong Exiled Armor
lvl 70 Forceful Exiled Armor
lvl 60 Clean Exiled Helmet

Discord: Galondor#4219
Don’t reply to this I won’t see it in a timely manor

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