Looking for Exiled Sword

I am looking for an exiled sword I’m not good at the economy for this game but tell me how many crowns you want for it and I will probably have enough

Hmm. Currently crowns aren’t worth anything in this game in trading due to code abusing. If you find someone VERY generous, the trade is still possible. Boss drops are normally worth other boss drops and higher, the better drops such as the weapons and Jericho being higher value. I’m not a pro at trading either, but keep in mind Crowns have no worth as of now.


Also welcome to the forum!

darn that sucks

Yeah. Look in marketplace for guides or examples of good and bad trades. Best of luck to you on the forum!

Try to friend someone who can track exiled, or get the tracker yourself. That way, you can try and get the sword legit. If you get a boss drop, there’s a possibility you can combine it with other somewhat valuable items you have to get the sword.

currently building an account for a tracker probably killed around 9 exiled and only got shield

The shield is worth more than the sword most likely, as it is the most useful boss drop (Weapons got nerfed to oblivion.) You can easily make that trade with someone if you ask. (I suggest keeping the shield as it is MUCH more useful.)

yeah I am gonna keep the shield but I only have daggers for melee weapon

The daggers are probably better than the sword right now, actually. I’m not good with weapons but those things have nearly killed me at times. The sword is pretty cool though.

I got the sword on my main by doing the hero storyline and dropping my reputation to neutral. I grinded him with friends and made sure not to get in the last hit and get on the news (I would get a negative reputation). I got two minotaur helmets for free (One from a nice dude and another from a social test :frhigh:). Ended up trading those and more for the sword, then legitimately got the shield).

Grind can be pain, but i’m sure you can get it if you believe in yourself and work hard.

yeah ill try not to worried about reputation right now so it shouldnt be that bad

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Sword worth more than shield

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Hmm. Didn’t know that haha. In that case, Cain might need some more.

Wow, I really have little experience in trading ;-;

Imo shield should be worth more than sword cause people actually use the shield a lot, as well as minotaur armour being more valuable than exiled armour but thats just how the market is


Interesting. Economy is odd, shield should be worth more than sword due to it’s large increase in usefulness.

Welcome to the forums! Hopefully you’ll enjoy your stay.

Unfortunately this trade is not worth it, crowns lack value in current economy. Also, doing your first post at marketplace is a common mistake. Here’s why:

look at the replies

yea true. mino armor is just more useful then exiled armor. And the shield is more useful then the sword. But for some reason shield is worth less then sword :shrug:

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