Looking for extensive pvp training

I’d say I’m maybe above average at pvp, but I’m not necessarily good. I don’t use 20 blasts or anything like that and I think I know most if not all of the basics. I’ve won 2v1s before and I can usually defend against the average rker, but I’d like to be better.

I also main plasma which makes pvp difficult so I MIGHT do pvp on my main but I especially want to learn it for other magics like acid, iron, and explosion. Maybe fire in the future but for now I think I’m good with these since getting good at these will allow me to use most magics well. Also yes I’m aware those magics are not the meta it’s just that learning those is gonna be more practical and helpful than the meta because it’s actually gonna be more difficult and teach me something.

As implied by the “extensive” part, I don’t want to just do this once or twice. I want to pvp until I get good. Doesn’t have to be every day. I don’t mind if it’s just once or twice a week, or whenever you’re available. I just want training of some sort. Most people who pvp I think do it for fun (or infamy) so I think they wouldn’t mind but if you will only train me for payment I guess I can.

Some good pvpers if I know, if you’re reading this would you mind doing training? (Just gonna list them and not @ so I don’t end up on some KoS lists :nod:)

  • Broly (maybe not?)
  • Flare
  • Brady
  • Misinput
  • Xevenant
  • MrNormalBox

And some other pvpers, I know you exist, just put the names that came to my mind first. I’ll take training from any pvpers.

Oh yeah also on weekdays I’m most commonly online at 5-9pm CDT (or is it edt? idfk but I’m in Chicago time)

If you wanna dm me my tag is
If you wanna warp to me, my most frequently used accounts are

tl;dr: I want some pvp training until I get gud. Not just a couple training sessions, but it doesn’t have to be like every day or something. I also wanna try learning different magics like iron. Just lmk if you can.

i can help. i use plasma as well and also sort of need some training. i think we’re about equal in skill as well so it could be a learning experience for both of us as well. also im available almost every single day (I have a lot of free time) lmk if interested

you can @ me if you want idc

im not available on weekdays for you sorry :yawning_face:
@toadbro1027 @Xevenant @MrNormalBox @Farerflare wom

oh lord

You’ve summoned the council

anyways cool I’m not gonna be able to pvp either of yall right now because I’m about to have to get off but just wanted to see if people would be willing to do some pvp


i lub you too flare chan

give me a week

omg bikbok hi

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Ngl the title of “WoM pvper” is somehow worse than “WoM trader” :woozy_face:

just for comparison both of them are worse than “g*mers”

im both does this make me a double degenerate or do they just cancel eachother out

It stacks exponentially so you’re actually around a googol degenerate :blush:

glad to be here

It’s mainly for self defense. I asked for training in explosion and iron because those are the magics used by my villain files. In AO, bounty hunting will exist, thus I will need to protect myself from heroes on those files. Training for plasma is probably not gonna be needed because I don’t think villains will have a reason to hunt down heroes other than just being edgy, and those guys I can usually kill pretty easily. As for acid I’m just in my friends guild on it, and since acid has fairly neutral stats, I can learn how to use other magics like fire not too hard once I use acid well.


the title is still one of degeneracy

i also kinf of wanna become better at pvp ill try to 1v1 w/ you later


if I had to guess I’m around your skill level bro

I’m not good like Xev