4 strong vastiras
3 clean
2 clean and 1 strong oath
17 clean minotaur chestplate
4 clean mino legs
4 clean exiled legs
1 powerful
2 hard
6 clean exiled chest
2 bursting exiled chest
5 clean mino helmets
3 clean exiled helmets
1 clean sunken helmet
1 clean sunken chestplate
1 nimble sunken chestplate
3 clean sunken swords
1 sunken legplate
I have meta items powerful wizard items and hard wizard items too
could i offer for your clean sunken swords btw with armor
okay what ones and what for them
what for the sunken items
full meta set (860) and powerful sunken boots for clean ss?
I have hard and powerful meta sets and a decent amount of fish bait
a set of enchanted hybrid wizard gear that gives 860 total health and rest power, which is what I think biker meant
oh i thought it was 860 magic power
haha that’d be impossible
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