I have a full clean exiled (no sword) set, if you like to offer, dm water#9112
3x Clean Mino Helm
3x Clean Mino Boots
1x Clean Mino Armor
Im sorry, I have all the minotaur things in game and I really dont use them.
Should probably post what you are looking for then that would make things easier
Im just looking for anything.
I put this into #marketplace, as Hot said if you wanna get more/better offers clarify what specifically you want (of course IF there’s anything you’re specifically looking for.)
Well, I’m looking for a clean sunken so if somebody were to have that I would trade alot more then the exiled armor, but for this subject, I would be looking for maybe some wizard armor that’s enchanted to powerful
I feared you would say that, this isn’t worth any sunken unfortunately. If you want sunkens offer other sunkens yourself, a headless, or strong oaths for a bad enchant piece.
Hmm, okay, thanks for the advice.
I mean I have a hard sunken but I kind of wanted it to be a “strong” enchantment so I dont exactly use it
use it anyways it isnt the end of the world
I didnt say I dont use it at all, rising tide does 73 and my minotaur axe does 100 so…
I’m giving you free value regardless but ogiee
I have a million exiled sets and barely any minotaur but I still trade for exiled because I prefer it.But to each their own.
a hug and a kiss
exiled armour isn’t very special. not many people go out of their way to offer on a full set
nimble mino helmet because you are looking for anything
hard sunken worth the most
He’s talking about sword
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