Looking for Specific Elements

Looking for players that are able to do conversions, or willing to exchange bracelets of the following elements:

Crystal(Sunstone, Emerald, Amethyst)
Earth(Stone, Bedrock)

Currently On Hold: Sunstone, Emerald, Amethyst
Currently Working On: Stone, Oak

I am paying 1k galleons for each conversion
I will reply to all messages, if I haven’t replied in a long time then I was probably just absent at the time!

Have a nice day~-

conversion is too complicated say just looking for people with these magics and try ask mages in game their magics if you get any of those with two thats like two!

Tryna make the “every arcanium bracelet variant” video uh?

up the price for more people

I’ve held the conversions to the last minute so uh… Yea nobody uses these magics anymore.
Anyone who has a file probably doesn’t use it often as well, so there’s no bracelets. Even more so if they’re mage.

Almost there TwT
Collector’s painnnnnnn

I’ve got a crystal amethyst conj so I’m down to give you my arc sphere when I get one, but I don’t have one rn cuz it’s a new save

Ahh I’m doing bracelets, but gl and have fun

give him a bracelet then!

Ye I will, but he needa level up and stuff.
Maybe I shouldn’t have ommited that part…

if you still need it i can convert this for you if you have a empty bracelet
but i have shadow as a second mind so you might not get what you want

oh no not more gambles

misinput just tryna help fr fr and you can trade the shadow for an arcanium one again for sure

oh i didn’t think of that thx

I had a sunstone savant then I switched to bers

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