Looking for specific username seasonals

My friend @Tavanaros is looking to buy any 2020 halloween seasonal that has the following names: gardiandiamonds, emperorgaltron2000, lockial

Hes willing to offer 2x the amount of seasonal per seasonal under these names. So, for example, if you have a death crown of any of those users, then hes willing to offer 2 death crowns for it. Dm tavanaros on discord if youre interested

Wut… :skull: :question:

What is bro trying to do with specific username seasonals :skull:

That’s my question :skull:

AY YO 2 HEADLESSES FOR A HEADLESS :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

I doubt the guy would even have 2 headless :sob:

Theyre of his friends and old account

Why does he need his friends’ stuff tho :skull:

You could literally ask him instead :sob:

Is he on forums

Yes, i even pinged him in the original message :skull:

Why are you the one creating the request then??

He had some issues with his forum account until right after i made this topic. For whatever reason his trust level didnt allow him to post topics or even replies

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