Looking for sunken items

sturdy wall of jericho x1
strong oathkeeper x1
strong vastira x1
keen exiled armor x1
nimble exiled armor x1
forceful exiled armor x1
clean wall of jericho x2
clean oathkeeper x2
clean vastira x1
clean exiled armor x4
clean minotaurs armor x3
hard exiled helmet x1
forceful exiled helmet x1
nimble exiled leggings x1
clean minotaurs helmet x5
clean exiled helmet x3
clean exiled leggings x2
powerful power amulet x1
hard defense amulet x1

Looking for:
Sunkens (clean or perfect enchant)

willing to pay multiple rares
Also willing to buy rares

Not trading for crowns, non-rares, fish

Message me on discord: MasterMC#2099
Or post offers below

Want this really big fish I found?

nty, im not trading for fish

this isn’t technically a fish

what is it?

squid : )

I’ll take all your items for my big squid : )

i didnt know squids were in the game lol
but nty

geez what… how
is that an accessory?

big squid : D

omg that’s so rare in-game, how were you able to catch it!?

You’ll get neither for this


You’re underpaying hard, you should offer sunkens, also a hard sunken set is worth a lot more than a SSS.


ayo is that from ao? i can see the redwake place in the background

I have 3 sunken armor. Wanna offer?

What kinds of sunken armor are they?
Chest? Helmet? Pants?

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