I am looking for someone who can make me a high quality new clan logo, DM me and name your price: discord - deathtothewicked
General question for those who might send, are you paying with items or robux?
Nice! In the small chance you don’t find someone after a while, might you ping me? I’m busy right now so I’ll leave it for someone else to take on rn
you got it
@Bio lets start cooking trust
I’ll do one for free lol
wait if someone else is doing it let them do it, I dont wanna do something bad you wont like my friend…
No one has dmd me yet btw, i’ll make a reply here when It’s taken
Someone has messaged me
nvm, still open
I’ll do it if no one else is willing to
I may be able to now, could you send me the info on your clan?
I just got back, found out there was a whole search party for me >->