Lore drop thread(Sorta spoilers)

Many games use this approach, though, like Skyrim, where books detail stories and accounts from characters or places we may never encounter. It’s a form of grounded worldbuilding that makes the world feel expansive and lived-in, reflecting the complexity of real-world history where information can be lost, misrepresented, or changed over time.

While I’m not saying Deepwoken is the pinnacle of worldbuilding, it at least tries to populate its world with layers of information. This allows players who want to engage with the lore and piece things together to dive deeper and immerse themselves in the world the game represents.

With AO, we’re essentially drip-fed lore, not through the game itself via unique locations or visual storytelling, but directly from Vet or Tech. They share vague bits of information to avoid story spoilers or because it’s irrelevant to the current narrative. From a gameplay perspective, that approach feels incredibly dull.

This is just a severe Durza downscale idk what you mean. We already knew he was a bum that loses to half of the top tiers, him being worth one Admiral fleet just makes him more embarassing

One Admiral Fleet also by extension scales to being Undead Prometheus level, and I do infact recall Theos dying to Undead Prometheus

Nameless AG Admiral and his fodder army solos theos :rofl::pray:

All just a morock upscale in the end bro

Killed 20 bajillion admirals and the entire golden armada by himself, he truly is morockversal

me watching Vetex slowly chip away at the Seven Seas and make them into jobbers to make the War Seas seem stronger and cooler

The only Seven Seas characters being gassed up are Arthur and Theos, both of whom have connections to the war seas/AO (Arthur’s connections are obvious and Theos was apparently special in the same way as the AO MC so of course you gotta gas him up). And unless I imagined this discord screenshot even the PK was nerfed since Vetex said prime Theos is still stronger than them :fr:

By your own logic One AG Admiral is also Cursebeard level.


I’m all up for trying to glaze the War Seas but how the genuine FUCK is GN stronger than AG? I’m certain that Vetex forgot what he wrote for the AG because they controlled almost their ENTIRE cluster while GN is barely living in harmony with the other kingdoms.

All of this lore just makes it seem like the Seven Seas are 90% being carried by the One Shot Pirates :sob:

nah that wasn’t me, it was my evil clone that said that.

the seven seas renaissance is soon to be upon us, :money_mouth_face:
our time in the sun will be nye, i feel it!11!!!

Still stupid that the PK, who goes on to basically absorb or destroy every single curse in existence, defeat Hades, the only living of the 3 big olympean brothers is weaker than some 0.1% zeus related bum who copied the PK’s whole starting story :sob::pray:

I wouldn’t be surprised if he forgot about most of the lore regarding the Seven Seas outside of Durza, Theos, and Arthur

Not to discredit Vet, he does include lore through notes and books in certain locations. Still, I don’t think it’s enough, especially considering that much of the information discussed in this forum post comes from screenshots of things Vet has said outside the game.

I remember when the Dark Sea was released or when Makrinaos was added, and players theorized based on in-game screenshots and discoveries. Now, we’ve reached a point where the only consistent lore we get isn’t even in the game itself. As someone still interested in the world of this game, that’s my main issue: It feels disconnected from the gameplay experience.

I want to play the game, and I want Vet to show me this information, not tell me about it because someone asked.

The AG has more “feats” because they had like 3 seas worth of exploration and more statements from Vetex and tech about them

We know by comparison a lot less about the GN, just because the AG is strong doesn’t mean the GN isn’t

And I doubt that Durza would have to summon 2 undead gods to deal with the one AG fleet, especially since (unless this was never canon which it may have been I forgor) they had the whole Golden Armada incident where they lost thousands of men and and a decent amount higher ups to Morock Creed, and only managed to kill him by just baiting him out to destroy his own ship and have him fall in the sea.

The fact that most of our information comes from patreon users asking questions does not bode well with me in regards to this game’s future lore presentation. Especially with how early this game is into its development.

I may not find the game’s lore all that interesting, but I would like for it to be understandable through the game itself and not just random vetex/tech tidbits.

Also the GN will send like multiple ships headed by level 250 guys after a level 125 or so player, they definitely have large troop reserves

Minor correction, the AG didn’t develop electricity, it was scientists from Mainland in the 4th Sea. The AG buys out all scientists and innovators to give them their technology exclusively, which helps them maintain power over the seas by being more advanced.

Also this is kinda true, if I was Vetex I wouldn’t reveal so much online and rather just wait to release in ingame when it was relevant to the story or just the content being added

I mean tbf the only 2 major political factions in the Seven Seas are the OSP and the AG waged in some hundred years war that literally continues with each side getting new fleets and admirals whenever a previous one dies, loses or gets captured

Every other faction is LEAGUES weaker than the AG or the OSP. The reason the Gravy “feels” stronger is because they have multiple powerful nations you can attribute them to being stronger than (Ravenna, Sameria, Thorne Empire etc.), whereas the AG and OSP just have hegemonies over their respective Sea Cluster.

Living in the Seven Seas must SUCK. Not only do you have to deal with some Golden Age of Piracy if you don’t live in the Mainland, or the direct AG controlled regions, you also have to rely on vigilantes (the PK, Theos, Bounty hunters) and weak ass island mayors to protect your life. Oh, and the fact that theres Durza running around too

The AG has more feats because they live in the sea cluster with the strongest people to have ever lived, the only publicly known surviving God on Earth, the dude who literally goes running around absorbing people’s life force and not to forget they’re literally making world prestigious research and discoveries, o things like electricity, EVEN WHEN THEY’RE AT WAR WITH THE STRONGEST PEOPLE ON EARTH (at the time they still existed).

Bro thinks he can lecture me about Morock Creed with that 30 Lamina Haircut…

This literally just proves the AG is superior. They literally lost the largest fleet ON EARTH, EVER. And literally just rebuilt that shit, and re-asserted themselves as top dog in the Seven Seas (only 6 of them, we don’t talk about them in the 3rd). The Gravy is literally struggling against basic ass Pirates who decided to unionize…

The AG and Gravy are on different levels.

The Mainland is in AG-influenced territory/ is an AG protectorate so Im considering that an AG discovery regardless

The fact that the lore is still changing, like renaming Durza to Acheron, the uncertainty over whether WoM is canon, or the shift in how minds work compared to AA, is mind-blowing to me.

How is this not nailed down? How can you create a game where worldbuilding and lore are supposed to be the backbone, yet fail to keep fundamental elements like character names consistent? I understand the reasoning behind some of these changes, but if the lore remains so flexible and malleable even as the game approaches full release, it’s concerning. These are the kinds of details that should be solidified long before development begins.

I’m not trying to hate, I’m just genuinely confused and concerned. The world of this game is constantly changing and being retconned, which makes it hard to follow. I feel like I don’t know the lore because even the lore doesn’t seem to know itself.

Ehh you could certainly argue that but I don’t think the AG bought out the inventors until after they made their discoveries.