Thread for any and all lore drops, though likely to contain a lot of patreon messages(NOT FROM THE WEBSITE OR THE PATREON SNEAKS CHANNEL). There shouldn’t be any spoilers for the main story of AO or a lot of the side content, but there can be some stuff that you’d likely rather find out about once implemented in the game rather than here.
To start off got a bit about how god’s domains work:
The part about other gods powers when it comes to authority and essence and stuff like that not really being developed makes sense to me. It’s not relevant to the story and can kinda be hard to imagine so if it doesn’t need to be explained it’s probably better off left a mystery for the players anyways.
The first part of the message is kinda interesting cause it implies the entity was kinda telling Prometheus what to do. However, I think that’s only the case when it comes to getting Prometheus to specifically steal Hecate’s authority. Prometheus had still wanted to help humanity by giving them fire even before the entity’s involvement so I think him using hecate’s authority to then grant humanity magic is the choice he would make with that power regardless of how or why he got it.
I feel like the go to answer to this is the entity, but at the same time that thing is currently sealed so I don’t know. If it is the thing causing it I guess it can just sorta passively do it from inside the seal. The 2nd go to would probably be Hades as part of his experiment with Acheron. I don’t think this is it either as Vetex said this:
Which kinda implies that we’re gonna see it, or at least find out about it, during the AO story(which I guess is kinda points in favor for the entity). I heavily doubt Hades is gonna play a major part in the AO story after already being a big part of the AA one. I don’t think anything he does is gonna be directly related to the AO story.
Lastly for now I got:
I’m not entirely sure if Vetex is lying here or not. Though typically when something is in spoiler territory he just says it’s a spoiler so I’m not sure. This doesn’t entirely mean Wotan only cares about conquering, just that his motivation in the dark sea is basically all about getting new land. While the reason he’s there isn’t all that intriguing I am kinda interested in how he’s gonna try to colonize the dark sea. There is something in the back of my head saying that he might still be interested in the dark sea for more secret reasons, but that’s entirely speculation.
Anyways I’ll post other lore stuff here in the comments later and obviously anyone is free to add anything they find in and out of game as well so long as it isn’t a patreon sneak or what not. The posts above are just some recent stuff I think could spark some discussion early. I would like to encourage discussion here as well if that wasn’t already clear.
Sounds reasonable to me. I can’t even imagine how a god of war would work in ANY context where people have free will.
Sounds to me like they both considered it, and agreed on Hecate.
Sounds more like an explanation to how World of Magic happened in such a timespan as it did, meaning possibly that in the AO side of the Arcane Multiverse, Magius did form.
I mean there’s been plenty, but this is one that is kinda all encompassing that I can just put any tidbit of lore from anywhere about anything in without it being somewhat off topic.
You should index things with in order for future edits to take place.
And on the note of future edits, turning this into a wiki would allow people to add on to it. Though now we encounter the issue of differing interpretations, which we can solve simply by only providing a screenshot of the question and answer, removing anything subjective and relative.
I know full well how to use the features in the forum, but I was just gonna do it like the patch note discussion threads where new stuff is just added in replies by anyone. On the stuff about needing screenshots of stuff yeah no duh.
To be honest, im kinda dissapointed in this simple explonation.
“he’s conquerer, so he want to conquer the dark sea!”
I always imagined wottan being, sure, dictator, but since he was interested in dark sea i thought he had some plans for it.
Like using and restoring ancient technologies from the past. Or, my favorite, trans-sea-voyages.
You know how Fort Castrumn exist soly to prevent Throne from advancing? Yeah, imagine them saying “nu huh” and going into dark sea to strike from behind of ravenna.
Sure, its a dark sea, but if Wottan is ready to conquer dark sea islands, creating a sort of navigation or endurable to dark sea ship is not out of question
I still got a lingering feeling that finding new lands for his people entails more than we think, but if nothing else it’ll still be kinda interesting to see how he’s trying to colonize the dark sea. Though yeah considering how mysterious the dark sea is in what it holds, how it functions, and what not, Wotan seemingly just wanting land from it is a bit disappointing.