Lost/Ancient Magic Icons from Tobi's Sails


Take this post with grain of salt, everything can be changed and i just made a compilation of new sails created by @Tobi for our favorite game, and applied magic list that i have to “assign” symbos to magics.

Lost Magics

Can only be obtained from completing sea-based activities, and would start to be found at much higher levels. Lost Magics cannot be learned naturally, and require a scroll with written instructions that the use must study to use the magic properly.

:x: Storm Magic - Control of tornado winds and lightning.

:x: Slash Magic - A bright green energy that is reminiscent of wind, but can cut through objects and people easily.

Aether Lightning Magic - Explosive green lightning.

Poison Lightning Magic - A precarious toxic lightning that shocks and poisons targets.

Flare Magic - Magic focused on AOE and DOT damage rather than base damage, resembling solar flares.

Phoenix Magic - Allows you to summon large wings of orange/white fire in order to attack.

Aether Magic - Explosive and bright light.

Darkness Magic - A dark purple/red or purple/black energy.

Sun Magic - Nuclear orange flames which have a long damage over time.

Lunar Magic - Dark blue water that has a white glow.

:x: Healing Magic - All skills heal the target. If the user is in a party, it will ONLY heal party members.

:x: Sound Magic - Attack using powerful sound waves, damaging the target and your surroundings.

Diamond Magic - Attack using diamonds.

:x: Mud Magic - Attack using mud, a dense mixture of earth and water. Puddles slow down anyone who steps in them.

Wave Magic - Attack using strange blue energy that causes the target’s magic energy to drain.

:x: Gravity Magic - Crushes the target into the ground or draws them into itself.

:x: Frostmetal Magic - A combination of ice and iron, creating a dense, freezing cold metal.

:x: Blizzard Magic - A combination of freezing winds, ice, and snow.

Ancient Magic

Magic that is far more ancient and forgotten than the Lost Magics, these are extremely powerful and hard to obtain. None of these magics have creatable skills, meaning every spell for them would need to be found via a Spell Scroll. Ancient Magics were extremely rare even during the Golden Age of Magic, where only a few lucky humans were given them as gifts from the gods. In modern times, the only way to learn an Ancient Magic is to learn how to control it by reading Ancient Magic Scrolls, and practicing their instructions thoroughly. These would be obtained extremely rarely at much higher levels from sea-based activities.

:x: Scorch Magic - An explosive green fire that is highly combustive and dangerous.

Apocalypse Bringer - Extremely unstable and explosive.

:x: Inferno Magic - Powerful blue fire that can burn anything.

Blaze Magic - Super-heated lightning that has the appearance of fire and can form into bolts. (The magic variant of Cursebeard’s curse)

:x: Shatter Magic - All skills shatter anything they come into contact with into pieces, including magic attacks that are lower level than the caster.

Death Magic - Only has forbidden and cursed skill types.

Life Magic - Extremely powerful healing magic.

:x: Pressure Magic - A combination of wind and gravity magic, resulting in dark grey/glowing purple air that can exert more force than the heaviest magics.

:x: Electron Magic - A teal and red form of lightning magic that leaves clouds of deadly, burning air.

Equinox Magic - A perfect balance of light and darkness, which releases extraordinary power and damage due to its instability.

??? Sacrifice Magic - Costs your own life force to cast. In exchange, its spells are very powerful and drain the target’s energy."

Balance Magic - Attacks deal heavy damage to players that are the opposite reputation of the caster, and no damage to players of similar reputation. Attacks cost lots of energy to use and have a long cast time. When this magic deals damage, it slightly altars the reputation of the target with each hit, raising it if the target is evil or lowering it if the target is good. This magic appears the same color as the user’s first magic.

Promethean Fire - The rarest magic of all time, dating back to before the gods. This form of fire magic is pure white, and can give different kinds of status effects depending on the spell type used.


Cloud Magic

Dark flame Magic

Ethereal flameMagic

Flash (?)

Man IRS cosplays are gonna go crazy when balance magic releases

Tobi said that some file names are inaccurate, its just what theyre called in his folder I think. Equinox symbol might not actually be Equinox. Because I had the sail pattern once and its called “Moonlight”. It miiiight be the Ying Yang sail instead.

Flash is actually called the “Mage” sail pattern.

I think the Darkflame one is just called “Flame” lol

Everything else (Im not sure about Ethereal and Apoc) seems pretty spot on tho

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what does balance magic do if you are neutral rep?

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