Lost Envoy torso causes you to sink into the ground

What were you doing before bug occurred: changing my vanity

Steps to reproduce: Equip Lost Envoy Robes in vanity and toggle torso on and off

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game):

nothing related to the bug

without torso

with torso

(additionally, you visibly sink when toggling the torso on)

I guess that’s why it’s lost

Aint noway the drip bros been searching for does bro dirty like this :pray::sob:

wasn’t planning on using the torso anyways

It got underground because the Envoy sunk into the ground. This is lore.

They don’t call it Lost Envoy Set because it’s an Envoy Set that got Lost, they call it a Lost Envoy Set because it came from an Envoy that got Lost easily!

that shit is HEAVY if it’s capable of literally causing you to get mushed into the ground

also how do you get the torn cape

evander drop

can you re-dye it?


just be a short king

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