Lost fame...?

In the part of the story where the Keraxe ships chase you, I sunk one of them and lost 200 fame instantly.

Im sorry? Im literally sinking the ships of war criminals and i guess thats criminal activity?

Oh I’m sorry Mr. Navy Admiral, I didn’t know I was meant to let the bloodthirsty Vikings sink and plunder my ship


not only that, killing the keraxe soldiers in mistral is perfectly ok, you get fame for it

I guess he copied the kingdom ship code model into the WAR CRIMINAL BLOODLUSTED, CRIMINALLY INSANE AND DOWNTRODDEN HEAPS OF MATTER THAT IS THE KERAXE VIKINGS AND THEIR KINGDOM into the keraxe ships… Kinda odd!

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but the navy is allied with keraxe though so im sure they turn a blind eye and you get into trouble

player: sir i killed calvus because he was evil
Navy: murder is murder
player: rich coming from you

and what if you’re in the navy?

Sinking ravenna ships is bad but killing the ship’s crew gives you fame

what if the entirety of keraxe is hostile?
i mean, it would be funny if the game let us go on a mass genocide murder spree in keraxe

its still the ship of a kingdom, and therefore you lose fame when sinking them

but you gain fame for killing keraxe soldiers

ships > human life?

the same reason why you get fame for killing ravenna soldiers but lose them for killing ravenna ships