Lost spell idea: trapeze

Lost spell idea: trapeze https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/c/5/c5b690f87bf91879897ac3b0d5124ba91451de61_2_1024x297.png
effort 4.857142857142857 28 quality 4.785714285714286 28 reasonability 4.407407407407407 27

how is there any endlag dumbass

if you’re on the receiving end of the trapeze attack, there is literally nothing stopping you from dodge reflexing away from the attack if you have good timing.

unless you’re casting a spell when this is happening, but that’s on your part, bad move.

anyways uh gtfo my kitchen your takes suck and while you have maybe 1 person who agrees with you I happen to have 42.

You don’t, you have 42 people that like the idea, not 42 people that think this spell is balanced

Since you can’t read imma say it again.
Say I’m a magic user, a I have a trapeze, anytime I cast a blast towards that trapeze ( a 20% one since it auto targets) I am unpunishable. Since if my oponent try to punish me for casting that blast, they’ll be stuck in startup or endlag and have to eat the reflected 20% from my trapeze.

This spell makes projectile attacks virtually unpunishable, wich is a huge issue

I quite literally give up trying at this point.

you are so incredibly stubborn and hardheaded it’s impossible to explain anything to you.

for the 3rd time, your presence is not welcome.


learn and adapt dumbass

just break their barriers

but I digress you’re like retarded lol

If I try destroy the barrier I get punished.
You’re the stupid one here.
Frankly how do you have the balls to speak when you forget to explain half of your spell’s mechanics in the main post and didn’t even know of the EXISTENCE of startup and endlag.

but you won’t because your enemy needs at least like 2 barriers for the spell to actually even be a notable issue? which, is quite easy to read and that’s why the spell has a high skill ceiling?

how do YOU have the balls to speak and shit on my post, and then lie saying I don’t know what endlag/startup is, not only are you a mindless klutz, but also a liar and a slanderer too? for shame.

ngl i have a feeling that people don’t think this this too overpowered solely because we’re in a AoE demon meta right now and AoE demons can just say “exploding explosive explosion” and erase all the trapezes

I said this spell was a fun idea, but it’s blatantly unbalanced, and when I point out why you say “NUH UH” and start pooping your pants

Actually you only need 1 barrier, and you’ve got yourself infinite unpunishable projectiles.
“high skill ceiling” guys this spell autoaims my blasts at the enemy so they physically can’t punish me!!!

Since projectiles are redirected to the enemy or another barrier, their placement also means absolutely nothing. It would be less of an issue if for example the spell rethrew the projectile 90 degrees or something, so it’s actually predictable

I’ve said like 10 times now that 1 barrier is not a good idea. I even added an entire new bullet point into the suggestion that is bolded

:clap: READ :clap: THE :clap: FUCKING :clap: POST :clap:

I read 20 times allready, if you keep adding new things to it because you weren’t able to actually type things properly the first time that’s on you.

So I provided valid critisism pointing out how something was blatantly op, you thankfully fixed it and now that’s on me? You should’ve implement that in the first place mate

projectiles should also never reach 100% accuracy, the best way would probably be to make it so those barriers reflect your attacks using a certain predertimened formula

I added that bullet point like ages ago bro clearly you didn’t actually read

why are you still even here? take your pvp centric slop somewhere else because it’s not really valid at all with any argument you’ve proposed (still don’t understand what you mean about being for some reason locked in endlag)

I read the post multiple time, if you add new stuff without notifying it in the comments, do you expect me to magically know you fixed the potential issues I pointed out?

And the issue is still not fully fixed, the trapeze should never fully accuratly shoot back at your enemy, it should be a set reflection

You worded the post extremely badly in such way that it was possible to understand that the spell could also reflect enemy attacks, after I pointed that out and you “clarified” by insulting me that you had forgotten to precise that (and still haven’t added this to the post) I point out another issue with the spell wich you add a bandaid solution that doesn’t really fix the problem in the middle of the post without saying you did and keep saying that the point I brought up actually isn’t an issue.

If you worded your post badly and forgot critical issues, and then add a point with a bandaid solution in the middle of the post, it would be nice to like yk, actually post that in the comments? Do you expect me to reread the post every 30 seconds to see everything you add?

yap yap yap shut up bro there’s nothing wrong with editing the post

I’m tired of using logic at this point your mom fat xd lol poo fart head

Never said there was, I said that if you do you should actually say that you did, you can’t expect me to reread your pile of fuming shit every 30 seconds.

You haven’t used logic a single time in this entire argument

I see no difference between this and your previous posts