Lost spell idea: trapeze

Lost spell idea: trapeze https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/c/5/c5b690f87bf91879897ac3b0d5124ba91451de61_2_1024x297.png
effort 4.857142857142857 28 quality 4.785714285714286 28 reasonability 4.407407407407407 27

k so imagine your using an intensity/power build and your placing down all of you trapezee and your opponent cannot even touch you without using an aoe move

fym they ruin pulsar, pulsar is kinda bad rn fyi, and the stat scaling is only a problem since vetex somehow made the armor stat scaling in effeciency % class based

5th time : backpedaling and attack speed

you do realize that would require a comically absurd amount of intensity to pull off right

like, so much intensity it isn’t even viable anymore as a strat.

it’s still pretty strong idk what ur smoking


-attack speed doesn’t lower cooldowns (pretty sure intensity does that)

-and if it’s encouraging backpedaling then isn’t that a good thing since this is mainly for mages? yknow… zoners?

Holy sh*t, what the hell happened here?

hell on earth(like all of ao forums)

@AnUnoriginalUsername and @WaterisnotDrink happened.

People think Pulsar is bad rn?? I practically rely on beams and pulsar for damage because my Blast aim is worse than the wait for that one Silksong game I keep hearing about

yea I really do not know what he’s yapping about with pulsar being considered a bad spell, it’s still really strong and works quite well to kinda deter people away from you

pulsar is only strong if you’re fighting bots

he was blatantly lying


and zoners backpedal??? what I’m saying is you can easily run away, placed down some trapeze, and voila, now you have a pretty big advantage for running away

Pulsar got hit really hard by the requirement nerf, it’s tier scaling made it smaller now, frankly I can just walk out of any enemy pulsar and blast them to oblivion

except if it’s a wind pulsar, but that’s a whole other can of worms

that sucks as a strat lol

ideally you’d wanna play footsies with trapeze and try to confuse your opponent with the attack.

although this should’ve been implied I guess I’ll just mention how every trapezed has a “radius” that requires it to connect to the next.

Honestly I would ask if you’ve ever used Pulsar in PvP, but I’m stuck running a full Sunken Iron set, so I’m probably being carried by that

i was genuinely confused you mean-

mb mb confused you with someone else

also, this is probably a rather lame point to bring up, but if every single lost spell/spell in general was to be perfectly balanced around pvp, AO would be quite boring.

infact the only spell that would be considered balanced in this game is probably just default blast

I think it’s moreso who you’re fighting, Pulsar isn’t a good win condition strat.