
Can we show this man some love? He needs some right now

Shoutout to @opticalcord for being so awesome, keep it up!

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Look at this goober, if you refuse to participate in the forums by CONTRIBUTING to a topic instead of just COMMENTING on it, then you deserve whatever reputation you get.

I like Optie for how angry he makes the forums. Peak entertainment.

That’s fair

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let me in the secret chat

Last time this guy was in a secret chat was the incident
Don’t let him in

The chat isn’t for everyone, only the people we deem worthy. We always have a board meeting before accepting anyone

I don’t think so

This stuff is in the past

that was NOT my fault, i didn’t say anything that horrid compared to what the other people said

cough cough nickyz1 cough cough

so you had to go basically half the year back to find a quote of me not participating okok

I’m a changed man bro

Nah that was just the first one I found since the forums hates me and only recommends me 5 month old topics

Not even kidding

I can find one of you easier tho

Smh this topic is about you stop derailing

alr making a topic bout you


Using my infinite powers of getting into an argument with stocksounds for 200 posts about stupid shit it would end up about the color taupe.


Those screenshots were from 7 months ago

He is a good person now with a good heart