Lower the Volume of imbuement effects

Lower the Volume of imbuement effects
effort 4.2 10 quality 4.8 10 reasonability 5.0 12

It was recently brought to my attention that a few people aside from myself are just slightly annoyed with how loud imbuements are.

(The clip is irrelevant save for the sound. I play on 60% sound and music for reference).

Some imbuements can be very loud. I would like to ask that by default their volume is decreased, or there is another sound option to decrease their sound. I don’t want to turn the entire games sound down as I like the sound design, these effects just have a much louder volume in comparison with the rest of the game.

That’s it. That’s the suggestion.


the imbuement sound gets annoying very quickly, I have a lightning conjurer and I’m pretty sure the noise stacks so it’s almost unbearable

tiny change that would take 5 minutes to do

if you think that’s bad you should hear when a plasma conjuror uses basic attacks.



personally i dont think there should be imbue sounds at all when not using attacks but its so loud right now any change is welcome

glad none of my magic hybrids use magics with imbue sounds

This is a good idea, but as a whole AO is overly loud, i have to play it on 1 volume so my ears dont bleed

Lightning is a cool magic but the headache inducing sound has led to me jumping into the ocean after every fight to remove the imbue


White eyes does a flip and vanishes into space

It should be a vague “vrrr”-ing sound.

My scale…

This is why im glad my Conjurer uses Fire and my Warlock uses Acid, either Acid imbue has no sound or its so quiet that i cant hear it, and Fire is very bearable.
(i still completely agree)

As another lightning warlock, I wholeheartedly agree with this, it is so, So loud and annoying, and I play on like 20% sound

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I mean I haven’t used lightning conjurer but I get you point because hearing the same sound over and over again is super irritating

Yesterday there was a kid who wouldn’t stop saying mom so they got really annoying quickly, eventually maki by myself mutter the words ‘shut up’

Light magic is pretty loud

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