Luck II isn't even remotely enough

Luck II isn't even remotely enough
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

At the VERY, VERY, VERY LEAST it should be LUCK IV, probably luck V. Hell make a new tier called luck VI or something. Luck II is almost nothing.


if the suggestion is to make a luck 6 then no

highest luck possible and reduce the sunken pity by 5x


some people who lost 5+ sunkens face a statistical improbablity of getting all their sunkens back within a week even with luck 2, so yeah it needs to be a higher luck level minimum

luck 3 won’t cut it and luck 4 even too, it’s like someon else said so much work for things that were already there, it’s an insult to give luck 2 even what’s that gonna do? it’s just gonna take a potion effect slot from you that’s what

Luck 10
make every 10 items you fish, 1 is a suken
boss drops are doubled

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genuinely may be needed, even if it screws the economy. (tho tbh without the auction house implemented the economy is awful anyways)

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vetex really said

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