Luck rolls?

I don’t care if it’s actually 1/503

dude that the old luck, the one we have now, with the new one we will be getting, no matter what luck level u have, even without luck the chances are the same, 1/3000 for sunken, 1/6000 for acrimony

best example are bosses, fighting bosses with any level of the new luck is like fighting a boss rn without luck, the new luck doesnt affect rng at all and the fact vetex is set in bassically gutting the most casual friendly feature is beyond me

dude I think you’re misunderstanding what I mean

I have never said “luck reduces the chances” I say “with luck 5 you’d get about 1/500 per chest”. It increases your chances by multiplying your pulls dude

it affects rng by multiplying how many times you do something

fighting a boss with luck is like fighting a boss 3 times at once

Its still a nerf rate wise, not to mention how much longer itll take to loot an abyssal diving spot compared to a regular one

Edit: it gets even worse if you account for diving routes since the bronze sea usually has better routes. Even if it doesnt have a good diving spot only route, it still has whispering AND limestone which combined have 31 chests iirc and are easy to loot

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Yeah its a nerf overall. Idk if its as bad as we think. Wait doesnt this mean luck will make u pull many fish at once will it count towards fish caught?

luck will only affect items from fishing now, the fish are completely unaffected, people going for master angler in shambles

Im sorry i dont understand u? It wont effect fishing?

O i get u how do uk it doesn’t effect fish?

I used to know the formula for probability with rerolls and I absolutely would have explained it here if I still remembered it.

it isnt as bad anymore with the addition of abyssal diving spots but its still a big nerf. As for fish, nope, youll still only fish 1 fish at a time

the fuck u saying? that not how it works, if u beat a boss with luck 5 u dont get 3 drops, nor does it take affect till u get a drop

when u get a boss drop it rerolls it 3 times, so u could be getting a calvus crown but the game would reroll the drop into boots, then will reroll it into something else again, but ur chances to get a boss drop remain the same with or without luck (the new one)

the game doesnt count it as u defeating a boss 3 times so u get 3 chances to get a loot, this is the case of everything

like do u expect that if u open a wood chest instead of getting galleons u also get 2 extra items, heck do u think u get 2 extra items per items that u get? bc it doesnt work like this

trello, vetex announce it on the trello

what the hell are you saying that would be completely useless.
wow I got a crown, actually I got legs, nevermind its a chestpiece, why did I drink this potion?

3 rerolls means that the drop rolls 3 times.
So you have, on killing a boss with 1/10 drops, 3 1/10 chances to get an item, which, if you’re extremely lucky, could be 3 items.


i, k completly misunderstood it, i asked maple and while he didnt test it, he seemed confident that u actually get 3 boss drop with luck 5

while this does make stuff less dumb, its still a big nerf to casual players since they cant get sunken or other rare items as easily anymore

@WarmWater i admit, i was wrong on how i read the new luck changes, but im still not sure how u understand it

I completely agree, for how ludicrously rare legendary scales are, luck is useless at this point and not even vaguely worth the effort to grind for.

Would I rather:
Spend 309582 hours not playing the game because I’m stuck fishing getting 10 legendary scales to kill 3 bosses and roll 9 boss drops.
kill 9 bosses in under an hour.

0.1% and 0.2% for normal and abyssal structures respectively with luck 5

on that topic, what’d be a good diving set? probably all Theurgist with max air capacity Musgravites and then the rest are Swim Speed?

i think arcanium is a mineral that gets imbued into different minerals (like a mixture), hence Triasta being “arcanium bronze” and the sunken iron set being “arcanium iron”

This was my question but they’re saying its not reroll

Consider that abyss diving is going to involve giant sea creatures, enough stats to actually fight them off will be incredibly important.
Heat mages are fucked unless vetex adds a way for us to change/waterproof magics.

It’s summer break don’t be doing this to my brain :sob:

yeah that’s what i was thinking then i was like “nah i’m booking it either way i do NOT care”

i was gonna use this (making them all musgravites would give me 100% oxygen and 90% swim speed so it makes fleeing EASY)

that on top of the rather high agility. no shark in the sea could catch me.

(if you have build suggestions though it’d be uh… appreciated. i have am a lightning Savant which is actually kinda advantegious. or is it advantagious idfk. thank you!)