Luminous Blight - Silvy and Nova ref sheet



nice art.

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It’s been quite a while since I last wrote something in the art category. For the past 1.5 weeks, I was quite conflicted about something and was in the countryside. In addition, I just spent a lot of time training to PVP in AO.

Looking at these two people, I don’t think they are couples. They are a chaotic duo with the woman being the hot-head while the man is the one preventing her from causing chaos. An intriguing dynamic and one that I certainly can not bear being in.

Erm, how do you have 530+ hours on the light conjurer file? How long have you been playing?
From these art, I wonder, are you a light admirer?

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Ah both are chaotic, one is just more “domesticated” or peaceful

Also 530 hours in that file since i made the paladin recently, but already planned on makin her 3 months ago, i just procrastinated hard, also like im the clan leader in that file so duh

And the duo is more of a self insert of me and my best friend lmfao, so the chaotic nature is there

This…this…is truly beautiful. Truly beautiful friendship
You’re a clan leader? Do you PVP much? Is the role stressful?
Uh OOF, I don’t think you should reply here. This is some confidential information that you have to express. I think it’s best to reply in my DM.

I pvp normally, i take watch of my members on emotional or mental health essentially, if they cause problems i confront

I wont mention much so dw