Lunar magic theory

whoops mb then

still, long damage over time is DoT no?

guess Sun will have higher total damage but take longer to deal, like poison

while flare while relies on the stack to deals moderate-above average damage, which the hazzards can help as well

yeah it’s literally just aa’s magma

Flare magic only focuses on AoE and DoT so most likely flare is just fire but if it had better size and ticking/tick-damage speed.

If it could stack like glass in WoM that’d be broken :sob:
Unless ur saying that the more you hit somebody the larger the damage tick is

Wait what

Glass was like A-tier, I believe what brought it down was its stats but it was overall a good magic.

What glass did is that it didn’t stack the damage, it stacked the effect as you’d be taking 0.05 tick so bleed game

does he know

glass is still B, maybe A tier depending on who u ask

i know public info, just like everyone else here

So it went down by a rank or rsnk and a half
Cuz glass qas regarded as a tier and s tier

he doesnt know :sob:

Good for you, tester knows more than regular user

he dont know :sob:

If phoenix is not blue as it was in aa I finna be mad we have enough fire reskins

I think blue phoenix is specific to Theos (to make him more important)

no it was changed so it didn’t look exactly like marco’s phoenix from one piece, in later aa versions it was yellow and white too and vetex also changed his armor because ppl told him theos looked evil


I kind of wish I had more of these lost AA vids saved

  1. its a lost magic, its point is to stack. look at the iris fight
  2. wth glass wasnt in wom

Glass was in WoM and I forgot iris did have that :sob:

though I meant like increase the damage tick instead of ticks per second stacking

Orange and white phoenix magic kinda underrated ngl