Lunar magic theory

What is Lunar magic?

According to old trello, lunar magic is a combination of water and light.

  • Lunar Magic - Dark blue water that has a white glow.

Source: List of all magic(51 magic)

Considering that a lof of lost magics are combination of multiple base ones (storm ; poisoning-lightning ; blizzard ; frostmill) its no surprised to see a “fusion” type of magic, but what if its not JUST water+light?

Moon = Slowness?

In order to brew slowness potion you need 1 of 2 ingredeints - Blue Urichin (t1) and Bellandonna Flower (T2), last item appear only at night. While agility t1 - Lunar moss, appears only at night
But why? Why specificly LUNAR moss, and why specificly they appear only at night? Vetex could have tied slowness to soemthing like dirt and swamp, but he chose night specificly?

If we go from the connections excluding Lunar magic, there’s 2 explonations -

  1. Metaphorical Symbolism: In literature and art, the night is sometimes used metaphorically to represent a slowing down or a pause in the hustle and bustle of daily life.

  2. Biological Rhythms: From a physiological standpoint, night is the time when many organisms, including humans, naturally slow down. It is the period associated with rest and sleep, and during this time, metabolic and other bodily processes tend to decelerate


Lunar Magic will apply slow?

Think about it, reagents that apply slow are all appear only at night and all tied to moon/lunar/night. And Lunar Magic is obviousely counteraprt of Sun magiac, aka the night.
So what if mud was deleted cause it was too similar in idea to Lunar Magic?

Because if Lunar is just glowy water, then i dont think it deserves a Lost magic status, but with that slow mechanic…


Now ice mages can both stun and slow you

does this mean sun is just fire with better stats and more DoT

not possible since mud magic is already a thing lol

cough cough
deleted with prom fire

huh? whats that? why did you send a blank post dude?

I thought blue urchin spines were T1 slowness, hence the atlantean"urchin" mace.
But lunar slowness would be pretty cool cuz mud magic’s supposedly gone.
(lunar moss is t1 agi pots oof)

This is because it’s the case

Lunar Moss is for agility.
Lunar magic will slow down your ennemies and make you faster (absorbing speed)

Nah thats flare

flare is just fire with stacking dot dummy

You said sun will be a just better version of fire but that’s flare so who’s the dummy? and i personally think sun and fire will be the same as aether and light.

I wouldnt say flare is the better version of fire, rather a sidegrade of in imo.
flare current gimmick is that its based around having low dmg but stacking dots while fires is, honestly I dunno but not flares

fire is just a jack of all trades with DoT, flare focuses more on that DoT
sun is prob gonna be an opposite where its more broad and focuses on all traits

aint Sun DoT and Flare AoE ? pretty sure flare can leave behind patch of fire on the ground like puddle magics do

i don’t think vetex thought of allat to just add a magic that’s based on the moon lol

stay coping :speaking_head: :100: :fire: :gift:

I thought flare was a weak magic in terms of damage but good in dot and sun uhhh it’s just buffed fire i guess

i said what i remember was on the trello, sun was described to be a white orange fire that focuses on DoT while Flare can leave behind hazzards

white orange flames is phoenix magic not sun