Macobre + Meta change your username

aight I’ma deactivate them then

They joined 2 hours ago?

I dont believe this. My brain.

sksksk unfortunate. I’m not deleting them then

Well yeah obviously

I have the perfect plan though


easiest way to achieve things you want.


The main question though, is will they respond :fr:

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You almost made macrobe deactivate an account smh

No, I never told her to :fr:

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I’m curious as to why you did not put Rose when making your account.

Good question, and tbh I dont know either.

Nah, I was checking the stats prior to doing anything and clearing dead ones beforehand

Lord Macobre, change my name into ADINIZ or your family goes on a trip to Dualingo.

I ain’t afraid of no bird, just ping me coward

They still haven’t responded to my message :C

okay but did it change @liu

oh yay it changed


@liu Heya, sorry to bother you, but I’d like my name changed too-

I’d like my username to be changed to just vik

No capitals or anything else, just the three letters

Tyvm <3

capital v or no

not capital, sorry