Maco's mask shop

just want a mask of one of these little boys

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here’s my full avatar anyway
I want the mask to cover the whole face
kinda like a heist mask y’know
make sure the little holes in the mask are black
the face is completely obscured

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a vesparian mask design i sketched for deepwoken

it’s arch’s horned mask, but with a different paint pattern


and i mean NOBODY

will stop me from emptying my wallet until i roll vesparian

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could you do one with bull horns? it can be a half or a full one idm as long as it’s got those horns maybe a cracked half mask/a broken horn or something

i’m sure it’ll look great no matter what so if you do it do whatever you think would look the coolest :man_astronaut:


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A bit late to the show since I was sleeping but if you are still taking submissions

  • Face completely covered, nose, chin, etc.
  • Metalic wolf-like
  • Very jagged and very inspired by the Berserker Armor’s helmet

Pretty much exactly like the helmet but as a mask (also with the neck guard/lower jaw included, really making it animalistic).

I hope this is specific enough for ya :+1:

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uh, is this for the whole community or for a specific group of people?

Anyone can make a request, the Tarot cards and names for Catalysts of Chaos are for a specific group

oh, okay I see
I would love to submit one then

the mask hides most of the face, it has similar features to the plague doctors masks, but the beak is somewhat shorter, no patches on the surroundings part

I hope it is possible to understand

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I would participate, though I don’t have much reference for the appearance of my world of magic character.

I have a drawing (Though it’s bad) And don’t have any ideas for his mask.

but can you stab it

necrobumping mask shop

Why tho

why tho

So it can get flooded with applications obv

Why tho, I haven’t even started any


So . . . ?

So more work to do