Maco's mask shop

So if you’ve seen The Catalysts of Chaos then you know what’s up. Fill these out if you want one (can’t promise anything tho).

details (if you want one)

  • How much of the face is covered? Eyes? Nose? Mouth? Eaes? Does it go over the hairline?
  • Type of mask (kabuki, gas, plague, skull, oni, half, etc.)
  • Distinct features (antlers, filters, straps, uncovered eye(s), etc.)
  • references


Mask ≠ Catalyst of Chaos (that’s a specific group)


So I am pretty sure I clicked a different topic but it somehow redirected me here, I am pretty sure that means you are a witch, anyway have fun other forumers I am going to leave before I die

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complete sentence

do i have to resubmit

yes bc I don’t feel like finding the old ones

nose and mouth gas mask with tubes of magma magic
(yes i feel edgy)
also crystal indents

(wdym by references)

Pictures that I can draw aspects from

how many filters and where do you want the tubes to attach (mouth? filters?) how many?

  • Whole face but let my eyes stare into your soul
  • Whatever mask you think would fit me
  • Oh yeah uncovered eyes (Antlers would be cool but again whatever you think would work)
  • Ref Devo_emoji

damn my pfp is sexy

i appreciate the edit

reposting this here with some changes cuz i didnt realize this topic existed.

if you ever make something like that for me, then i should be doing this pose:

and there should also be the MENACING thingies behind me.
oh, and the avatar should be this.

oh, and the mask.
my mask should be a clown face for the funnies, which replaces the bandanna and the mlg glasses that im wearing.
oh, and the tarot card name should be the world (to reference jojo once more)
yeah, thats all.

idk man

reference for the mask i guess

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you know i feel offended

macobre liked yours but not mine

lol my likes aren’t that special since I have no limit to them anyway

This looks like fun. I don’t know if I should participate.

but does you liking his mean that your gonna draw his and not mine :hmm:

I’ll probably just put it on a regular human face, and idrk if I’m gonna do poses unless I really like the mask. But anyway, the Card names are for Catalysts

uhh . . . no . . ?

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(three characters)

Here’s a reference for the character

The mask would cover the entire face but wouldn’t go over the hairline. The mask would look like the dweller’s mask from a hat in time.

Here is a reference for the mask:

(also, if you could have the character holding the two flintlock pistols, then that’d be great. thanks!)

I shall try and participate
Maybe some of these as reference


Seems pretty cool to have a mask made.

  • Eyes, only takes over the top half of the face.
  • Half demon, half human.
  • A complete horn at the left, a broken horn at the right. The mask covers the left eye with an outline of the eye and cornea while the right eye just have a hole to see. There’s also some sort of sharp teeth at the left side.
  • I couldn’t find the paper mache mask that I made in our school activity but I found the concept art of it since we first have to draw what kind of mask we we’re gonna make.
    Oni Mask
    For an explanaition of the mask, it’s a visual representation of humans, a half demon with a broken horn to symbolize that some humans aren’t that bad.
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