Mage Animation pack

Mage Animation pack
effort 4.0 2 quality 4.5 2 reasonability 3.5 2

Animation pack for “Mage”

All of these animations will keep the character slightly above the ground, so basically it’s a " levitation" like animation pack

Idle - Slowly moving up and down (like very gently) two hands at the hips

Random afk animations - randomly observe the surrounding area slowly

Long afk animations - Start reading a book like Enizor and stay like that until moved

walking - slowly float forwards

running - more “Slouched like” (bent forwards) compared to the walking animation

T jump - Do a x Cross two hand swipe


Do a two hand swipe downwards

(wind like noise instead of classic t jump)

falling - look down with both hands like a U shape


downwards V shape hand

Heavy landing - Gentle hand swipe downwards

(wind like noise instead of impact noise)

Block - X hand Cross, Hands facing the character

Charge Animation - Open arms, Kind of like a invite to a hug


Channeling like animations, wave the hands slowly around like channeling energy itself

talking with NPCS - one hand forward raise and moving it to the side (like a open hand point)

The animation shouldn’t keep you off the ground by a very far distance, just by a noticeable amount

(kind of like the vampire walk/run animation from it’s Roblox pack)

Dio cosplay gonna be lit with this one

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That sounds kinda pay to win tbh

nah it won’t be noticeably high from the ground lol, no way people would complain about this pack when headless head is a thing ingame :skull:

no levitating plzz

im just gonna say, its not the idea thats missing

what do you mean? ;-;

If I have time, I’ll try making the animations if you want

im not legally allowed to elaborate

im guessing one is already in the making or something then

Translation: it’s already planned/in the making

wait is it allowed to suggest animation packs without making your own animations

yeah, the lazy animation was suggested just like this one i’m pretty sure

The levitation part reminds me of the “weightless” animation pack which is under monetization ideas in the trello. It has a link to the forums that no longer works. However if I recall correctly it was a suggestion which might have had some animations / concepts already

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