Mage - Everything you need to know

i don’t have enough time to get enough crystals for the cool magics

just get drop heaven map



i guess thats true but most of the time when you try to use a movement spell its already too late

aint no moment too late in earth dash unless you already being dragged

the area solar ult covers covers is big enough that you can use it before the beams get you

oh yeah also not to mention this shit

nothing stopping you from server hopping

no mage>>>> everything else> savants

i probably would play it if i could reset my data, but i’m just stuck with the shitty choices i made so it’s not very fun anymore

make an alt

I mean the same could be said for every other route, if you wanna do strength then go play one of the 10 billion Ken Omega clones, if you wanna do weapons then play Combat Warriors or something similar, if you wanna go vitality then go play a simulator and only train defence.

I enjoy Mage because of the customization for the attacks (and I like Mages in alot of games), it feels like everybody thinks of Mage as boring just because they got to play it in WoM but they leave the feeling of the other routes up to imagination so they view them as above it

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That’s how basically every pure build is besides Warrior kinda, Ig they are all basic too (Warden is understandable)

i like to keep everything on my main, otherwise i can’t really consider it my main, and having to log into a specific account for each game gets annoying

Warlock>Mage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everthing else

Mage in my opinion is no skill.

Why not be a real chad and use weapons and fighting styles

How is mage no skill compare to spamming abillitys without any energy drained as warrior or berserker. In a fight the mage cant just spamm buttons like other classes can cause the’re magic energy will run out and if they stop for too long to charge it they will die. Idk how warden or berserker will work but in my opinon mages is equal or more skillbased than warriors.

Kinda agree with you

everything that attacks (magic, fighting styles, and weapons) are gonna drain energy

Mage can spam people from 300 feet away with blasts bro wym :skull:

mage can spam 5 different fucking magics from far away while most weapons only cover half that range with their skills currently

to summarize:
Mage spams the most

What? They drain Stamina, not Energy

it’s being changed