Magic circle design I made for my universe and stuff

I decided to create a fictional universe partially based off the Arcane Universe. I also made the magic circle design for it.

here it is

the eight circle things represent the original elements (light, lightning, fire, wind, shadow, water, earth, plant) and the moon phases.

I don’t know how the phases will affect the magics yet, but it was just an idea that came into my head.


Your choice to have plant as one of the 8 source magics disturbs me in ways i didnt even know i could be disturbed.


It just… doesent make sense to me.

Ash is one of its upgrades
…and I don’t know what else to put there

why would plant magic (which, in my eyes, is a mutation of earth) mutate into ASH of all things

um, because ash can be made of burnt plants? It’s also a fire upgrade

campfires are made of wood


Slightly irritated because neither wind, nor lightning are opposite of earth, and fire isn’t opposite of water.
Circle itself looks good, though, and you probably had reasons to arrange the elements like that.

And lightning is pure electricty / energy, that’s why all lightning-related mutations are energy-based. It does’nt have counterpart due to energy being its own entity that just manifests in lightning.

i think the phases represent how much light each magic emits

yeah, pretty much