Magic Circles [Public Use]

Thank you!

Yea hahaha, i rly want a rain water variation white-ish water seems cool


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Sure, I’ll dm you that variation later tonight. :sweat_smile: Just white correct? Similar to snow and glass right now?


White blue-ish color, just step below a rain clouds ingame

Oof here let me get a template

Solid color:
Glow color:

So maybe a blue solid and white glow?

You dont need to make it tho, i can just edit it myself i just thought it would be nice if vetex added rain water variation ingame

I’ll still send you a version, just need to get some homework done.

Yes, that would be cool. I’ve been wanting a green variant of poison when it was showcased :sleeper:

Wish I found this post when I finished my drawing earlier lol

good point, I was about to post colored paper

Imma need that blacklight variation no cap.

I’m surprised there wasn’t a red Lightning variant since those exist (look up Lightning Sprite)

Really bright blue solid, white glow.
I rly do not want to bother you since you’ve got homework

Electron magic I think will be red. That’s why there isn’t a red Lightning variant.

o wild

Yup Meta’s right. I would like to add that Electron magic would also be teal though


oof, still red lightning alone would have also been the cool

Well, got some ideas.
Plant and Cloud