Magic clouds and puddles

just saw a poison user make this cloud by spamming his 20 projectile spell

anyone else got pictures or videos of massive magic clouds and puddles?
(yes that cloud starts from the ground level of summer hold, not the roof of a house)

update: he outdid his previous cloud


LOL, dude i need to see someone do that with acid or magma in a town where a lot of players are walking around, would be pretty hilarious.

This is interesting. Do water puddles not have a maximum size? Because acid puddles do. (Likely to avoid giant city eating puddles.) Also, does this mean that I can use acid to take over a puddle that large :open_mouth:

That was a really old pic, you can see the level cap was 10, it was a patched bug i’m pretty sure

the hitbox for clouds seems to be a lot bigger than the cloud itself

oh my lord thats uhhh, insane

made an acid slot, this seems to be the max size for puddles rn

jesus thats a lot of poison