Magic combo brainstorming thread

okay hear me out but I really like this one and I coin it as “liquid’s special synergy do not steal”

:plasma_magic_var1: :explosion_magic: :shadow_magic:

Is it good?

shadow is good for damage stacking against petrified

kinda reminds me of equinox boss from HOURS

:water_magic_var4: :lightning_magic_var3: :ice_magic_var3:

k necrobumping this again sorry

haha I like ice magic but I accidentally went too meta :nauseated_face:

:shadow_magic: :water_magic_var4: :ice_magic_var3:

I call it sewer water synergy lololol idk

That’s not meta
Wait thought that was acid nvm
I personally would call It the shamrock shake but alr you do you

blows dust off

with magic synergies gone, I have a LOT of options I can choose from.

as a conjurer I’ll have 2 options.

here’s a few ideas

:shadow_magic: :plasma_magic_var2: “dark rage aura?”

:poison_magic_var1: :ash_magic: “superhot poison?”

:wood_magic_var1: :crystal_magic_var2: “nature power?”

:earth_magic_var2: :explosion_magic: “meteor?”

:ice_magic_var1: :fire_magic: “duality?”

:ice_magic_var1: :ice_magic_var2: :ice_magic_var3:

:sand_magic_var3: :explosion_magic:

just realised that the negative combo here doesn’t exist anymore lmao

so this is actually decent now

:crystal_magic_var7: :acid_magic_var2: this could work too even

Have all the conventional combos been listed?


this post is ancient

also I’m starting to think somehow that no magic fits me, which sounds unhinged but, I have been trying to stick with 1 magic for a month, for almost 2 years now :sleeper:

Are you going weapons build then?

I wanted to be a conjurer :frowning_face: :sob:

jesus looking back I seemed like a completely different person :skull:

well, with synergies not being such a prevalent thing, I’ve always wanted a technology based synergy or electromagnetism synergy


:earth_magic_var2: :lightning_magic_var2:

or this

:iron_magic_var2: :lightning_magic_var2:

I like the :iron_magic_var2: :lightning_magic_var2: one

:water_magic_var2: :sand_magic_var2: :wind_magic_var2:
Beach Combo?

you know, lightning may be a common magic, but sometimes all you gotta do is change to context a little, and next thing you know, boom, you’re special :sunglasses:

Bro you guys are making synergies?
My mage loadout is gonna be:
:water_magic_var2: ( :light_magic_var2: or :light_magic_var1: ) :sand_magic_var2:

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welcome to my synergy lab

now with meta combos gone, we can make, literally whatever now!!!

:lightning_magic_var1: :acid_magic_var1: :plasma_magic_var1:
my planned tomfoolery
tell me how awful i am

absolutely devious, mischievous, malicious, and callous behaviour