Magic Council, Arcane Academy AU ( Part 11 )


Magic Councils ( Similar to Student Councils )

Angel Creed and Peacekeeper

There are few Magic council members so far which is Trigno the founder, and Averill ( John Thorne also if you want to include him ), AG and Grand Navy also exist in the AU, but Magic Councils are incharge in the School Academy Not outside of the school

(I kinda got lazy with the comic due to my crippling old back, but I’ll draw it better next time )

The Peacekeeper Isn’t part of the magic council, rather their position is too maintain peace in and outside of school.


Peacekeeper design is honestly so great


Neviro with red eyes

There are two art categories that make me click faster than lightning: new webcomic chapter, or new Arcane Academy part

I love it, gives off the vibe of an absolute veteran, yet awkward youngster.
It totally radiates “chill with you most of the time, can absolutely rock your shit if needed”.


old grandpa is dying from making comics

As a member of the magic council i very much approve of this :sandwich:

YES!!! RUP ART!!! SO MANU RIP art!!! YIS!!! (Complete sentence)

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I will NOT eleborate


Bro indeed is anonymous

More like old grandma :joy:

Why do I get Vibes from Those Gacha life/club trends I Used to watch from the 1st-2nd drawing?