You know that new Hecate essence that lets you change your magic? A friend and I over the past few days have tried to look for it, spending hours in insanity 3 exploring islands. About seven hours total across three runs, with the longest run being about five hours of searching insanity 3. It was tedious and rather annoying, especially when we had to skip islands due to atlantean brigs, only being able to search by sailing around its perimeter, and being unable to use invis to avoid overpowered atlanteans meant sometimes we’d have to cut the exploration short so we didn’t die if we accidentally alerted one. The islands being massive or ridiculously tall sometimes didn’t help. Especially the barrenlands islands, the ones with weird generation and nothing but stone and structures, which always ended up being absurdly massive and tall.
Despite this, eventually, the cube showed up. Only, this wasn’t the end. Because apparently…
The thing had generated inside of an atlantean structure, and it was too far in to be interactable. The wall was also indestructible, meaning this one is literally unusable. Seven hours only for this to happen. I seriously think something needs to be done about this. With how rare the spawn is and how difficult it can be to explore insan 3 islands, wasting this many hours just feels impractical.
I genuinely feel very bad for those who can’t find it, same here with a friend died to an atlantean in the end, welp ngl upd for magic reset was NOT well planned