Magic/fighting style energy charging overlay

Magic/fighting style energy charging overlay
effort 5.0 7 quality 5.0 7 reasonability 5.0 7

This suggestion is based off a feeling of intense disappointment when I got my first mage awakening. (Also my first awakening).

So, energy charging. Honestly, if you don’t know what this is - Do you even play AO or are you just in the forums? I’ll explain it anyway.

Energy is used when you use an attack (any kind) and can be replenished by holding shift. Doing so causes you to gain an awesome magic aura with the essence of your magic (or fighting style) to emanating from you.

When I got my first mage awakening I was super excited to get a new magic, but it was king of underwhelming. All I could do was fire a blast of light. (This was a while ago, when the lvl cap was 125). I know that this is an early access problem and can only be properly fixed by raising the level cap.

But I think there’s another way to negate the disappointment I felt.

Energy charging overlay

So, the concept is that when charging energy - if you have a second magic or fighting style it will play charging animations for both magics (again, or fighting styles), instead of just the first one. Quite simple really.

Why should it be added?

That’s pretty much the point of the entire entering paragraphs. But I’ll summarise: I think it would be cool and add to the wonder factor of your first awakening.
Also it will (hopefully) be easy enough to code.

Why should it not be added?

It might look stupid. This is pretty much the main argument against this. All I can say to argue against this is: just try it. If it’s stupid, don’t add it. Or add a setting that disables this.


if you have multiple magics, make the energy charging animation play both magic’s animations. Why? because it would look cool.

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i think this is already planned as a gamepass actually

oh my god.

It would be so awesome…


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where dya find that?

i linked it in the message

did you? I cant see it


yeah you embed failed lmao

Locking random cool features behind gamepasses yet again

i guess no one else has The Sight, smh my head…


here, maybe this’ll work

yeah that worked thx

this link also has “dab” as a possible emote pack, so I think its a little bit outdated

vetex is such a goofball

either way this still is plausible as a suggestion, because not all of these are final and the magic charge doesn’t take into account fs

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