Rate a magic by how fun it is to use, PvP, PvE, effects, anything you want to factor into its overall fun-ness.
I’ve literally only touched Ash, Plasma, and Shadow and two of those never got past lvl 60 iirc
but æ, Wind looks really fun imo
crystal pretty fun lookin ngl. I wouldnt have given it a D
Wait how do you have Wood in S but Crystal in D? I think both are pretty fun and Crystal certainly doesn’t have bad effects either, and in terms of combat they are very similar.
in terms of fun
Yeah but how is one that much more fun than the other? That was legit the first point I addressed.
I actually have a lot of fun with Wood, more than Crystal, but I wouldn’t imagine Crystal being that much worse.
how is wind not in S you can literally explode enemies to brazil
Yeah but until higher levels you won’t be sending people into Brazil unless it’s a controlled setting where you’re charging up your spells so I think A isn’t a bad placement.
Also metamancers use Wind so that prob knocks it down a tier
cause its bad magic
badder magic more boring
I like the look of Wood better, Crystal looks like a solid with straight up near 0 effects. Wood is just a brown block but it feels more satisfying for me to use.
Idk why but wood feels so hollow
Then Wood wouldn’t be in S tier, also how are there arguments about a purely subjective tier list, this was just for fun, not a political argument on what magics other people should or should not enjoy.
Eh I would say the explosions and the high jump look pretty epic but for the blasts yeah I would prob say the exact same thing, Wood is a lot better visually for me
Also maybe the sound plays a huge role in determining how each magic feels from each other, maybe Wood’s sounds compliment its visuals better than Crystal’s
Ya, that’s why I like Glass/Light a lot
Glass is only annoying after listening to it for like a day before it starts sounding nice
i approve
This is probably roughly where I would place them. I haven’t given too much thought so some are probably out of order. Post AO reworks though I would re-align some of these.
S Tier = Top 5
A Tier = Great
B Tier = Good
C Tier = Good/Ok/Varying
D Tier = Meh
Ash and Poison prob would have been higher but I honestly find them atrocious to actually fight with. If I only took into consideration playing with clouds they’re probably A but the feeling of actually using them to fight seems so memorably bad that I would have to place them much lower just because of that.
Light I only ever use as a substitute for Lightning sometimes. The sounds are meh to me except maybe the charging. Metals are not that un to fight with but do look nice IMOm, and they sound pretty powerful. I prob should have moved them to B but B and C are very close anyways.
Fire and Shadow I can only really describe as “not bad.” Water and Ink are big and Ink looks nice. They also sound nice.
Glass rubble is cool. Wind feels nice to fight with. Crystal I don’t use often but it plays like Wood and has some cool moves. Sounds are meh tho so low B. Sand sounds really crisp and feels really strong. Piles are also fun and visuals are decent.
Plasma’s fizzy and crackling charginf sounds along with its flaring energy makes charging with it feel godly. Also the vibrant red from the Nova variant just gives it an unstoppable feeling. The explosion sounds are decent but the moves activatig sound just ok. In terms of combat though it prob isn’t very pleasant.
Lightning’s chaotic nature makes it feel very powerul and the blinding speed is something that’s hard to abandon when using other magics. Outclashing strong magics with such a quick magic adds to the feeling of powerfulness, and the visuals are to notch. However it does not feel good to fight with.
Paper’s crisp ripping sounds, thin design, and quick attacks just make it feel great to use. It’s also pretty unique.
Wood’s up-close-but-not-too-close style in combination with its decent size and clashing, natural sounds, and square design just give it an incredibly unique feeling, Earth gives a similar feeling but with worse visuals. But with MASSIVE size. Explosion is also big and powerul and clashy with a nice pillar.
Acid just feels very vibrant and flowing and powerful and practical. Good sounds, ok particles but the colour scheme makes it work. Magma is just the most threatening of all magics. Thunderous sound, massive size, glowing, smoky emissions, threatening colours, it just has it all. Even the droplet sounds are unmatched.
Def does, I couldn’t go by Magma’s sound along with its looks rn so out the window
Gold is fun because I like going glass cannon with it and going crazy. Earth is also fun because with max magic size you shoot mino sized blasts.
lightning should be S because YEET low levels
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