Magic quiz idea

i got this idea an hour ago while i was in the shower, and it most likely has already been thought of before but i still want to post it here anyway

what if we, as a community, created a quiz that would allow people to know which magic works for them the best? for example, there could be a question such as: “how do you like to fight? 1) defensive, long range 2) defensive short range 3) offensive long range 4) offensive short range” and at the end of the quiz you would be recommended a magic that suits your playstyle

i think this would help people who are confused or indecisive of which magic they want to use or main

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i don’t understand the question

That one’s more for lore/OC purposes, I think he’s talking about things like stats and play styles

i still don’t understand what it means on the first question about light? why does it just list a load of adjectives

It basically goes through each magic and shows you the personality traits associated with them, and you pick the traits that best represent your character

ok ty

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Remembered that from my question
Just thought to spread it here

this is literally impossible to do

magic is too similar and each question you could ask too vague to actually get a good answer


Ngl I like this idea

might be a little hard to do, but every magic is different enough in their own way that could cover a very broad variety of playstyles.

Bro I got a W magic

I can become frozone


I took it again

first ash now this

Screenshot 2023-01-15 at 8.35.24 PM
bruh wtf these are actually the 2 magics i will use on my first file

those are two of the magics i actually plan on using for my mage too
she’s energetic but i see the explosions fitting for her sassy and energetic demeanor
wind because she’s a whirlwind, figuratively

ah yes “kill”

Water magic fans when they also love to Maligula everything: