This suggestion is regarding a change to the future feature of Magic Sensing, as it is right now I feel like Magic Sensing will be just like AA’s, you charge your magic, press a button and suddenly numbers and colored circles appear around the enemy/player, however I suggest to it behave differently and have different aesthetics instead of just colored circles with numbers on it, with the creation of a tool that allows that measurement.
Hey, for the Aesthetics change I suggest that we remove the number and the colored circle, replacing them with a particles overlay just like the magic charge.
This is how the person being sensed would appear, the size of the particles vary depending on their power obviously
Without the power measurement appearing, this would then be the job of a tool whose utility is measuring the magic power of things nearby while you are sensing magic. Yes It’s the DBZ Scouter all over again
This is to give a chance for other players to run away from you, instead of charging and pressing G, you’ll simply need to select your magic and press “H”, maybe in the future you would be able to customize this and let you alter the range of sensing, and how you sense magic. Basically there would be two types of magic sensing.
- The old one, where as you charge while pressing the sense key, gathering the mana around you and using it to sense magic objects/users around you, however, this would have a lower range.
- My suggestion, where as you can move while sensing magic at the cost of draining mana, it has a higher range and it’s range grows further the longer you hold the H key, draining more magic in the proccess, functioning like a bat echo, where the magic energy hits the target and returns back to you, the draining would represent it being thrown around and dispersing and at the same time the mana that is lost in the process because it couldn’t find anything. So bluntly, the longer you use this magic sensing technique the more and further your magic energy is getting, and if there are other people around the less mana it drains.
So simply, one would be to find people that are near you but hidden, and the other one to track people currently running away but not seen, potentially giving them the chance to fight back since you’ll be temporarily drained of mana.
Aesthetically this would behave like this:
However without the circle around you, just the magic particles, starting small and the longer you hold G the bigger it grounds
The End
By Gabriella Silver
Thanks for reading,