Magic Tattoos

Magic Tattoos
effort 4.962962962962963 27 quality 4.962962962962963 27 reasonability 4.807692307692307 26

my third iron leg


Very hawt invellah.

I feel like a common issue is that classes lack their own distinction. On hybrids it feels like you just have an arsenal of just strength, weapons and magic moves, rather than playing like your own class (if that makes sense) This is a step forward and helps make builds more unique than just imbuing, hope ppl see this and make similar ideas




you’re only on your third?

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Am I allowed to bump these posts so many times?

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Go for it imma keep bumping this post til it gets 100 votes

cool with a mockup and everything, but unfortunately i doubt vetex will add this

If he doesn’t we should go on strike

You lowered the reasonability by 0.1 stars…

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Next person to see this must give all 3 5 stars

I intentionally tried to link it to already existing systems. At its core, Magic Tattoos are more or less just a Lost Spell, a Lost Technique, and a cosmetic rolled into one package. Barring the combo synergy, it’s not really anything AO doesn’t already have.


bump :3


You are a hero for bumping

Okay, I genuinely like this idea and I feel like it would add so much life to characters and fuel roleplayers, artists, and more in such a cool way.

But that art… MMM that art…

Gender envy and general attraction have mixed to the point I can’t figure out if I want to be them or I WANT THEM.


You are attracted to this

(Everything else is fine the face is just wonky)

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Faces are not my speciality. Kinda comes with doing semi-realism instead of an anime-esque style—it’s way easier to screw up and get into the uncanny valley.

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Fair enough. Just looks kinda goofy

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It’s more gender envy than anything, but yes. Yes I am.

I will die on this hill.

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You do you

(I’d still smash too tbh)

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Not SMASH, I have an amazing girlfriend, but I am remotely expressing attraction.

That and gender envy to the point I want their skin.

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