Magic tierlist

The ones on green are self explanatory. Those suck ass and already have better versions


The fuck?


Please tell me this tier list is a joke.

  1. Light does ooga baby damage
  2. Ice is useless until 2nd magic
  3. Snow? Really? Just a worse Sand
  4. Wind deserves S
    … gonna stop counting

Crystal in A tier… no… just no…

Magma, Acid, Explosion, Sand should be A tier

Plasma and Fire should be A tier
Crystal goes in “wtf tier”

Iron and Gold are probably High A or Low S tier

Water and Shadow in the lowest tier? They’re arguably the best magics!

Glass should be low A or high B

Paper is a mid A tier

What the fuck


water is literally one of the best magics in the fucking game right now lmao are you real

water AND magma actually

Light is near undodgable and does like 140 with a good set.

Ice does high as hell damage and is broken when it rains same with snow perfect for multi blasts.

And thank you for being right that one time.

Maybe if you don’t know what you’re talking about. This entire section is so sad I might grin out of pity.

Crystal is perfect for when you’re up close it’s literally a beam in and of itself.

All 4 of those are just drippy lag cushions that will ruin the fight for both players.

Plasma and fire do shit damage have shit speed and a horrible dot.

How the fuck is iron and gold a tier? They only so high damage and no matter what I can always dodge it unless they predict perfectly when my high jump is on cooldown.

Water does basic damage at most. It’s pretty much a toned down gold or iron.

And shadow is just a slow light and shouldn’t even exist.

Tl;dr: You’re wrong and you should feel bad.

You have genuinely angered me on multiple levels.


Ok, I thought this was a troll post but wtf, you’ve probs never pvped in your life.


The blind can get mad at the truth

And stay mad

Okay Mr.steve very cool

its flamebait, not a joke post

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It’s not flame bait just fax

Makes sense

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water, shadow, gold and glass are insanely good rn
ice, snow and crystal are shit rn

wtf is this list

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B tier at most, the damage is still pretty bad. Don’t forget the fact that light has ZERO synergy and that it can’t clear any status effectss at all

Disagree. Ice has a .925 impact damage with .8 speed. It’s only good with it’s bleed synergy AT THE MOMENT BTW
Like i said, Snow is basically worse Sand. Bad synergy and people can just Shift to get rid of whatever effect u put on them

Also, when you get frozen, you can self explosion or high jump to break the ice. Really not that op

Crystal is below average. If you’re gonna use Crystal for close range purposes then you should of got a heavy magic like Magma, Iron, Gold, and Earth. Those 4 got good clashes. good impact damage, and good size.

Sorry man, but if you lag when fighting those 4 you got a pretty bad pc.

Synergies make up for it. Also 1.0 speed for fire is considered average and Plasma actually has above average speed, so idk what ur on about here

A skilled 1022 hp gold/iron main can shred your hp by getting close and predicting your movements.


Water removes the 2nd most status effects, has a LOT of synergies, does the same amount of impact dmg as Shadow ( .95 ), 1.0 base speed

Water excels in itself and in other magics

1.3 speed? 4th fastest magic? Yikes! So fucking slow! I can’t hit my shots with that!


Shadow is light 2.0, just look at these stats

void destruction thats pretty useless

This is obviously a bait post, so I’m not gonna respond at all past this point. I just want to clear stuff up for people who are genuinely looking for tier lists, so they can pick a nice magic and have some fun PVPing.


Not facts. But bullshit. Lemme get this straight.

I can see why ice and snow is high up there. As well as wind. But why the fuck is light there? It does shit damage. Like fr?

The hell is ash and crystal doing in A tier of all places. Is it the smoke cloud? Dude just aim from a distance.

I cannot get your reasoning for crystal. At all. Lightning is good doe.

Why is earth in B tier? You put light up there for being undodgable why not also include the thing that can shoot out house sized blasts?

C and W.D.T.O.E.E is an absolute joke like this list.

Please don’t post about magic again

stfu stuf stuf stuf ufustuusustuuft . ash is s tier bc the smoke can cover an entire city. have u even experimented with it? the aoe is massive if u stack blasts

Tbf. The only noticeable big city is summer hold and even that ones kinda small.

yea ik, thats what im talking about its possible to cover the entirety of summerhold in ash, literally kill all the npcs, boom nobody can access the shops. and if ur skilled enough u can flee a fight by spamming ash in a single area and then entering the area, and nobody can follow u in. also causes massive lag so fights are impossible in the aoe. basically god tier magic