Magic/Weapon cooldowns should show numbers

So, today I am going to suggest a small change that could have been there since day 1. It is inspired by this post from @archrono.

The suggestion is to add numbers to CD indicators, to know the exact cooldown time.

I’m sure this doesn’t need any questions.

This is just a small QoL feature which is to help know exact times of cooldown. In case you want context, I’ll speak:

Keybind indicators in the UI show keybinds which show skills/attacks each. My suggestion is to add a number on them, to know the exact cooldown. This is nothing more than a quality change.

How would this work and where would the counter be placed?

On a side of the ‘‘rectangle’’ that covers the skill name. If you want an image, here it is:

RobloxScreenShot20210318_083924603 (2)

Why add this?

So you can know cooldowns exactly for every move, and especially for longer cooldown moves, which you can also use these numbers, to then estimate with more accuracy how much time you need to wait before using the skill again, and if in combat, ready up for the cooldown to end by setting up a combo or whatever you would like to do.

In case you still didn’t get it, I’ll be posting a picture of how I said it could be. But for now, I simply can’t, I’m busy with more important stuff.

That’s all, folks!

Share your opinion, do you agree or not agree? What would you change about this?

another great QoL feature, dont see a single reason why this shouldnt be implemented
voted, pog


So example of what you want is you use your three high jumps, then the number 20 appears once you finish casting the third spell. Great idea, we need this or something similar to this in the game.


Yes, exactly, an exact counter of the cooldown. I see no reason for it to not be added.

Actually the cooldown starts after the first one as I know, but the game only start showing it after the third one

Oh really? I think it’s true. I can high jump a tad bit before the CD finishes. Might wanna post that on #bug-reports later. If anything, it gets fixed for the revamp.

Oh people know since months

Here’s an idea of how I think should look:

RobloxScreenShot20210318_083924603 (2)

Shows spell name, and I just edited in a number.


qol is pog

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Anything I should modify/change about this?

Nah, you explain what you what added, why you want it, and how it could look when implemented. No change needed imo.

Thanks for the answer. It’ll remain as it is then, I highly doubted any mistakes since I took my time for this.

Don’t know if it’s OK but I’m bumping this so more people can see

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