Magical Upgrade


Magical Upgrade

Details/background on your proposal

DISCLAIMER: This suggestion is not to be confused with mastery, awakened, lost or primordial magics.

So I was playing this superpower shooter game called InFamous last week to relive some memories. I got to this part on the evil route where you can choose to reactivate this bomb called the raysphere that originally gave you your powers to become twice as strong, and it pretty much gave you a power boost, some extra energy capacity and turned your red and white lightning red and black.

So I thought it’d be a cool idea to suggest something like this for AO, so here it is!

Because I’m really lazy I made a list of criteria my suggestion could follow to simplify things.

  1. The way you get this upgrade should relate to Greek mythology as to expand on the AO universe

  2. The level you can obtain this upgrade should be relatively high, as this is a PERMANENT power boost

  3. Vetex should really decide on this one, but this upgrade only applies to magic, (i.e projectile speed, casting speed, magic strength, knockback, DoT, etc.)

At this time I’d also like to suggest that there be a “Hidden” color variant reselection, this means that after obtaining this upgrade there will be a menu that allows you to optionally choose a different color variant from an exclusive set of colors that are only available via getting the upgrade.

Reason to add/change

It would give higher levels an incentive to play more and try to achieve the upgrade to become even stronger, as well as giving the opportunity for a cosmetic change to spice things up after many hours and days of playing with a main magic that can’t normally be changed by conventional means.

It’d also build up the world more provided it follows the criteria I suggested.


This is basically asking for a major buff somewhere along the storyline, and legit that’s basically just acquiring new magics. If it was just a stat thing that’d be kinda boring.

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