Magics and Fighting Archetypes

Sort each magic into different types of fighting archetypes in fighting games (Zoners, lancers, est)

Low range attack type: Metal

Shit Tier Burst Utility: Light

What’s a lancer?

cone weapon used by horse riders

I meant lance fighting archetype

probably people who use cone magic

no clue, I’d say lance is simply poking at a distance, but then there’s zoner…

There’s a lot of overlap so it’s not entirely accurate.

Ash is there twice because there’s genuinely too much overlap for it to put it in one category.
Explosion is in Set-Up because it petrifies with 2 magics. Water could also be put there but I feel that it’s too competent as a standard/solo magic for me to feel comfortable putting it there, so I put it left of pure versatile.
Crystal, Fire, and Plasma’s placements are influenced by AO changes.


I would put this as the solution, but this is a discussion and that would kill it

Also noticed the trend of rushdowns being all the “heavy”/stereotypically “physical” magics.

Yeah I’m defining “rushdown” here as magics you have to get up-close and personal to use effectively, and that apply pressure best when up in he enemy’s face.

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