Magics organized by coolness factor

if we had the aa water blast back water would easily be a tier or s tier

That’s more or less the tier list I would make myself, although no magic looks especially bad imo.
Ice kinda deserves its spot for being only cubes, even if I like the concept of using ice cubes

honestly i like ice’s weird geometry shape

I like it but I assume it’s not especially appealing to most people

Ice is pretty neat :nod:

i wish we had the water spray thing for water from aa again tho

if someone’s on acid I think it would be more than cool

Earth looks really cool especially with a magic size build. You literally shoot houses sized boulders at people

also the “soil” color for earth looks like the classic earth power in AA so y’know it’s a classic.

u didnt get the joke

Yeah I mostly agree with this considering using fire or lightning magic sound cooler then wAtEr MaGiC

red poison just looks like you have a disease that makes your farts red, pretty ugly. Purple and green are the only poison colors that make it look like real poison.

light looks bland in my opinion

buff magma to really cool tier

rest of the tier list is correct

cap asf red poison looks straight up bad purple poison forever

nah, purple poison is too comun, overused, mainstream, normies main, and based :weary: :nod:

the better looking magic by far would be used by more people ofc :mariomug:

shadow and wind cool

Every magic is cool :sunglasses:

yeah the swamp variation looks pretty neat but I was just counting regular forms for all magic, i do agree tho.

woah, the acid has a face