Magics organized by coolness factor

So here is my attempt at organizing the magics based on how cool they look when you attack with them. I think most are pretty self-explanatory! why they’re put where they are, but I will explain a few.

Electricity: this is my magic, so I’m quite biased towards it. besides that, the pillar and beam attack for it looks awesome.

Explosion: the pillar form looks like a nuke. need I say more?

Acid: again, this is my heavy bias towards acid due to me using it on a character. I do think the droplets of acid look neat though, and other magics that do something similar were probably bumped up a rank because of it.

if you have any questions about my placements, ask and I’ll probably give a half-decent explanation. just remember this is all for some fun, and none of it really matters.


Swamp/Tropical water looks swag, and murders pcs

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I think charred paper has cool effects and shit, and I like the dark, kinda smoky look on the blasts. Might just be me tho.

mfw ice isnt cool

personally I’d put sand in A tier

wood and sand are easily really cool tier wym
snow is easily a why…? tier

because you didn’t put ice and snow at the highest level of coolness, this list is automatically bad.

not only this, but you listed explosion and lightning on the top??? opposite of cool, very hot really

2/10 would not recommend.

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ice should be the coolest


ill see myself out

i’m offended

red poison is the coolest it deserves SSS tier

Red Poison looks like Bloody Diarrhoea.
I seriously don’t understand why people like this variant.


Paper has some nice visual effects for explosions.

ice is meh. it has some nice affects and not that questionable
wind can go up to boring. it still looks pretty cool but its just boring mostly

yeah honestly mostly agree with this list

thats exactly why, blood cool blood edgy >:)) red more atractive then purple
and red poison is the cooler daniel smmhm :fr:

ice is the literal coolest element

to me it just looks really boring, and I think snow is better due to the snow that falls on the ground when you use it. its basically just a reskinned earth magic in terms of looks.

tfw someone disses your favorite color

I think it looks kinda bad, besides the shockwave and blast attack the attacks themselves don’t look very cool

I looked through it again and yeah I can see your reasoning, but I still think the blast and pillar attack look quite bland for it. the shockwave and explosion are pretty good though, If I did it again i’d bump it to a meh

im talking about the red blood color not fucking red liquid shit