Magius Conventions on Warcrimes

Here are the war crimes that should receive (in-game or discord) punishment by the community if its committed:

  1. Raiding non-pvp guilds

  2. Encouraging people to infiltrate and then delete your opponent’s guild discord server (or being complacent if youre aware about it)

  3. Forging screenshots or faking evidence to make try and make your opponents discredited

  4. Doxing people (That includes any personal information that was meant to be private by the individual)

  5. Group encouraged exploiting (but i am pretty sure you will just get banned from the game if its found out, but still warcrime)

if theres anything that should be added let me know!


Is this a no no list or a to-do list?

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i feel like theres a really personal story behind this post

Its an achievement list

Let me give you my inspiration for the war crimes

  1. Just thought of it
  2. I think suncry did something like this
  3. The magiusherald guy
  4. Also the magiusherald guy
  5. Doge nation obviously lol

I lurk a lot and i decided these are probably bad enough things to be considered guild war crimes

i don’t keep up with all these guild things, i just prefer to hate all of them to save me the trouble


I’m certain that most of these “warcrimes” either break Roblox or Discord ToS. And vetex has no way of checking who did it and whats going on in the community, unless hes spying 24/7. Too impractical. These are all social issues, so you deal with them by having social skills and a good rep.

I think you misunderstand me, i mean to say that guilds should team up together to punish them or the magius guild hub/guild section should punish them (different responses for different warcrimes). Completely done by community except the ones that break ToS which should be handled by proper channels

K makes sense.

I think this document has too much of a focus on groups instead of individuals. “Raiding” non-pvp guilds isn’t allowed but killing individual members of them or just regular people not in a guild without having a raid is allowed? Also, “group encouraged exploiting” is kind of hard to distinguish from individual members who just happen to be part of a group encouraging exploiting. Also, non-pvp guild needs to be defined because even guilds like CMMA do have an elite guard division and plan to capitalize on region-capturing even though their main focus is on trading.

i’m not really one to talk, but i’d consider non-pvp guilds as any guild that doesn’t have their main focus on conquering and pvp.

Using being a member of a guild as an insult or an argument

Add that on there

I suggest these additions:

  1. All unprovoked killing and the willful abetting of it is a war crime which doesn’t include self defense/defense of others from unprovoked killing or killing of those who committed war crimes within the bounds of reasonable punishment.
    a. If you capture a region or show an intention to do so you automatically waive your right to not be killed
    b. Competition for any other resource isn’t grounds for killing such as if someone takes quests you were about to take, buys all the bait in the fishing store etc
    c. People can waive their right to not be killed and specify conditions under which they can be killed such as in a 1v1 where outside interference may be a violation of these conditions
    d. Being a good/bad rep isn’t a war crime but can be an act of provocation (only to the opposite rep)
    e. Killing NPCs that can attack and are potential quest-givers also isn’t a war crime but can be an act of provocation
    f. The area between two players who are fighting and around them is a pvp combat zone and if you move into it they’re not responsible for any damage you incur as a result but if you were already standing in that area before it became a combat zone then they’re responsible.
    g. The area around an NPC and player who are fighting and between them is a pve combat zone. If you go into it the player isn’t responsible for damage you incur as a result. The area around an NPC before it starts fighting a player is a potential pve combat zone and even if you’re standing in it before it becomes an actual pve combat zone, the player isn’t responsible for damage you incur as a result.
  2. Killing NPCs that can’t attack is a war crime.

Only if their shop owners or merchants. Killing useless NPCs is fine.

They might be potential quest-givers so it could still cause problems.

Its a no-no list

Dang maybe you should make the Magius Conventions then. thats pretty detailed

Definitely agree with the last 3 but with the first 2 its a bit more ehhh, especially the first. The game has a pvp mechanic and if you want your guild to be non pvp then too bad, its like asking for some people to have the option of safe mode where players cant attack them.

magius convention? more like MAGIUS SUGGESTION

woah is that an arsenal voiceover reference